Opening hours crèche
07:00 – 18:45
Hours for bringing the children
07:00 – 09:30
13:45 – 15:00
Places for lunch and nap time are available for all children enrolled in the mornings or full days.
Easter | Fri 29.03.2024 - Mon 01.04.2024 |
Ascension Day | Thu 09.05.2024 - Sun 12.05.2024 |
Whit Monday | Mon 20.05.2024 |
Corpus Christi | Thu 30.05.2024 - Sun 02.06.2024 |
Assumption Day | Thu 15.08.2024 |
All Saints | Fri 01.11.2024 |
Before public holidays the crèche closes at 17:00 as follows:
Easter | Fri 18.04.2025 - Mon 21.04.2025 |
Ascension Day | Thu 29.05.2025 - Sun 01.06.2025 |
Whit Monday | Mon 09.06.2025 |
Corpus Christi | Thu 19.06.2025 - Sun 22.06.2025 |
Assumption Day | Fri 15.08.2025 |
Immaculate Conception | Mon 08.12.2025 |
Before public holidays the crèche closes at 17:00 as follows:
Before Easter | Thu 17.04.2025 |
Before Ascension Day | Wed 28.05.2025 |
Before Corpus Christi | Wed 18.06.2025 |
Before Assumption Day | Thu 14.08.2025 |
Kinderkrippe der Universität Freiburg
Crèche universitaire de Fribourg
Crèche of the University Fribourg
Rue Techtermann 4
1700 Freiburg / Fribourg
026 300 71 77 oder 026 300 71 78 (Büro)